To Love is To be Loved

         Its useless if you love someone who doesnt love you. Atupiduy your stupid if you love who doesnt loved you. Why should you love someone who doesnt loved you, it will just abuse the love you will gave him. When some people knew that theres someone who admired, crushed, and love them they will not loss the oppurtunity that comes, she will abuse the love that you felt to her, she will just pretend that she love you and ask for something material or ask you to do something that is favor to the her and later on she will just say " know what I dont even loved you before, I just use you, STUPID". NABOA KA BOPOL hahahaha... Be careful whom you will loved maybe it have some other interest. Everyone wants to be loved even invicile wants to nor animals. Some say that love is pain, love is difficult, love is death,love is fuck, and love is nothing, but love gives happiness that is prizeless. Even you have a lot of money it cant buy love. hahahaha..... But my question is, Why do I love?