This is the month that I have my girlfriend, June 10,2006 i was planning to watch movie and I want companion I ask my mother to come with but shes to busy. I asked some of my txtmate if they want to watch movie. Someone replied and she also want to watch and we both watch the movie. While we were watching I felt something i dont felt before, at that time I dont know what the hell is that felling. After the movie is finished I asked her to hangout with me and eat some pizza. While were eating pizza I proposed to her ask her if can be her boyfriend, I dont know why im asking her that. It was a nice jamming or date everybody is happy. hahahaha... After that day were only just txting because we have classes so theres no time for jammin. The day I been waiting for has come, June 15,2006 at approximately 2300hrs I asked her if he already have feelings to me, she said "EU N, PERO DAI P NGUNA, NTTAKOT P KYA AKO" and I told her that I loved u and now you also love me.... What do thing are we now? Bestfriend? hahaha.... and she said "CGE EU N, PRO MR._ _ _ _ _ BHALA K N KNG BOAHON M AKO.
                    Note:It just happened in txt not in personal-